Ernesto De Villa Celeste



I was born in the heart of Transylvania on February 27. 1951, in the city of Marosvásárhely (Târgu Mureș).
I spent my school years in Târgu Mureș Arts High School, then I applied to “Ion Andreescu” University of Art and Design of Cluj-Napoca (Kolozsvár), from where I graduated with a degree in Restoration, Painting, and Art Teaching in 1981.

In 1981, I completed the Pedagogical College concurrently with university.

I moved to Hungary in 1989, where I became a member of the Hungarian Art Foundation in

and earned a degree in Film/Media Studies at Eötvös Loránd University in 2006.

I have been teaching drawing, art and culture history, and advertising graphics in various schools of Budapest,

and I worked as the art therapist of the blind and visually impaired in the School for the Blind.


The main theme of my artwork is defined by the attitudes that govern the relationship between man and its social relations, contradictions between man and man. All this happens in constant changes of time and space, in the imperceptible morphings of dimensions. I work with signs and symbols that become a message, not in the mind, but the soul via intuition and feelings.

I think in archetypes that seek the universal validity of every thought. Of course, I was influenced by “isms”, but I fused its elements into my own style, so I couldn’t classify myself into any trend or style.

I care about everything that has a human character and strength – the self-serving struggle that helps us to step out of ourselves again and again toward our fellow human beings.

I believe that in my work I have managed to create a world of form, which is unique to me, which expresses unknown thoughts and emotions in a completely new way.

My request!

I am looking for a gallery or museum with whom I can enter into a mutual agreement to receive, exhibit, and preserve my artwork – for which I donate them to this organization.


Hungary, December 2020

Ernesto De Villa Celeste

Excerpts from my poems:

Angyal félszavakkal

"A sötétség minden fél lelket az egészbe zár,
Mi bennem emberi az örök zarándokúton áll,
Elindulok, s szememnek nincs többé határ. "

Didergő hajnalok

"Mikor elhalkulnak a fények, és a réten már csak apró szellemtestek kergetőznek, játékaikból kihallom hangodat, amint egy langyos fuvallaton gyorsan elszalad"

Karácsonyi ének

"Arcomhoz simuló teremtő érkezésed
Az utcán elnyúló egybefont árnyékkezek
Mint éltető szemfedő balzsamosan
ránk vetültek."


I have been a member of the Art Foundation of the Hungarian People's Republic since May 1, 1990.


My paintings have been exhibited in prestigious galleries both internationally and domestically.
See the list of exhibitions.


Do you have a request that I can help with?
Contact me!


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